A monarchy reform activist in Thailand dies in detention after a monthslong hunger strike

health2024-06-03 17:36:01319

BANGKOK (AP) — A young activist in Thailand who went on a hunger strike after being jailed for advocating reform of the country’s monarchy system died Tuesday in a prison hospital, officials said. The death sparked fresh calls for reviewing the judicial process that allows political offenders accused of nonviolent offenses to be held for extended periods in prison ahead of being tried.

Netiporn “Bung” Sanesangkhom, 28, was a member of the activist group Thaluwang, known for their bold and aggressive campaigns demanding reform of the monarchy and abolition of the law that makes it illegal to defame members of the royal family. The group’s name can be loosely translated as “breaking through the palace,” a reference to its open criticism of Thailand’s monarchy.

She appears to be the first political activist in Thailand to have died after carrying on a partial hunger strike. for 110 days while she was awaiting trial.

Address of this article:http://jamaica.argoasecurityeu.com/news-11b799283.html


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